IDENTIFICATION OF MACHINESE a ch Union Special machine is identifi ed by a Style number on a name plate ont h e machin e . St yl e numbers are classified as standard and special. St andard Styl enumbers hav e on e or more letters suffixed, but never contain the letter "Z".Example: "Style 39500 FW". Special Style numbers contain the letter "Z". Whenonly mino r changes are made in a standard machine, a "z" is suffi xed to the stan-dard Style number. Example: "Style 39500 FWZ".Styles of machines similar in construction are grouped under a Class numberwhich differs from the Style number in that it contains no letters. Example: "Class39500 11 •APPLICATION OF CATALOGThis catalog is a supplement to Catalog No. 103 FA and should be used in con-junct i on therewith. Only those parts used on Style 39500 FW, but not on Style 39500FP are illustrated and listed at the back of this catalog. On the page opposite theillustration will be found a listing of the parts with their part numbers, descriptionand the number of pieces required. Numbers in the first column are referencenumbers only, and merely indicate the position of that part in the illustration. Re-ference numbers should never be used in ordering parts. Always use the part num-ber listed in the second column.This catalog applies specifically to the standard Styles of machines as listedherein. It can also be applied with discretion to some Special Styles of machines inClass 39500. References to directions, such as right, left, front, back, etc., aregiven from the operator's position while seated at the machine. Operating directionof handwheel is away from operator.STYLE OF MACHINEHi-Styled High Speed, Two Curved Blade Needles, Two Loopers, Four ThreadOverseaming Machine. Differential Feed, Trimming Mechanism with SpringPressed Lower Knife, Automatic Lubricating System.39500 FW Medium to heavy duty machine for seaming medium to heavy weightknitted and woven fabrics with a modified safety stitch. For operations on pa-jamas, bathing suits, house dresses, children's wear, ladies' undergarmentsand similar garments of light to medium heavy weight woven and knitted g ar-ments of wool, cotton, silk and synthetics. Seam specification 512-SS a -1.Standard width of seam from left needle 17/64 inch. St i tch range 6-20 per inch.Cam adjusted main and differential feeds. Maximum recommended speed 6500R. P.M.OILINGCAUTION! Oil was dr a ined from machine wh en shipped, so reservoir must b efilled before beginning to operate. O il capacity of Class 39500 is s~ ounces. Astraight mineral oil of a Saybolt viscosity of 90 to 125 seconds at 100 Fah re nh e itshould be used.Machine is fill e d with oil at spring cap i n top cover. Oil l e vel is ch e ck e d atsight g auge on front of machine. Red tip of oil indicator should show b et w ee ngau ge lines when machin e i s station a ry.3From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC