5 © 2016 unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.unitech is a registered trademark of unitech Electronics Co.,LtdMS912+ User’s Manual1.4 Getting StartedPlease make sure your PC or Smartphone has a built-in wireless adaptor; theMS912+ supports both HID and SPP wireless profiles. If you are connecting itto an iOS (Apple) smartphone, please follow the instruction of “Connecting viaHuman Interface Device (HID) Mode”; if you are connecting it to an Androidsmartphone, please follow the instruction of “Connecting via Serial Port Profile(SPP) Mode” or the instruction of “Human Interface Device (HID) Mode”.Note: Android 2.x devices can work with MS912+ in the SPP mode ONLY.The SPP mode or/and the HID mode are not definitely compatible with each version ofAndroid OS, and thus depends on the Android-based hardware specifications definedby the Android device manufacturers.1.5 Battery Charging1. Flip open the mini USB port on the scanner.2. Insert the mini USB connector into the port on the scanner and USBconnector into a USB port on the host PC.3. Please charge the scanner for at least 2 hours (until the LED indicatorturns off).