iii © 2018 unitech Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.unitech is a registered trademark of unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.European Conformity Statementunitech Electronics co., Ltd herewith declares that the unitech product is incompliance with the essential requirements and all other provisions of the RED2014/53/EU directive, the EMC 2014/30/EU directive and the Low Voltage2014/35/EU directive.The declaration of conformity is available for download at :https://portal.unitech.eu/public/SafetyregulatorystatementCE RF Exposure ComplianceeNCE Mark WarningThis equipment complies with the requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC of theEuropean Parliament and Commission from 9 March, 1999 governing Radioand Telecommunications Equipment and mutual recognition of conformity. Thehighest CE SAR values for the device are as follows :W/kg @ 10g (Head)W/kg @ 10g (Body)RoHS StatementThis device conforms to RoHS (Restriction OfHazardous Substances) European Union regulationsthat set maximum concentration limits on hazardousmaterials used in electrical and electronic equipment.This device meets EU requirementsexposure of the general public to elprotection.For body-worn operation, this devicguidelines and the European Standaaccessories, SAR is measured withbody, while transmitting at the highefrequency bands of this device. Usemay not ensure compliance with IC(1999/519/EC) on the limitation ofctromagnetic fields by way of healthe has been tested and meets the ICNIRPrd EN 62209-2, for use with dedicatedthis device at a separation of 0.5 cm to thest certified output power level in allof other accessories which contain metalsIRP exposure guidelines.