13Whistling • Earmolds not insertedproperly• Volume too loud• Hand/clothing near ear• Poorly fitting earmoldsNot clear, • Poorly fitting earmoldsdistorted• Earmolds blocked withear wax• Low battery• Change in hearing"Motorboating" • Low batterysound • Dirty battery contactWeak on the • Volume control settelephone too low• Telephone notpositioned properly• Telephone not telecoilcompatibleThree short • Low battery warningbeepsFor any problems not listed in the guide, contact your hearing healthcareprofessional. If you do not have a hearing healthcare professional, pleasecontact the nearest office listed on the back page of this booklet.• Remove and reinsert• Turn volume down• Remove hand/clothing from ear• Consult your hearinghealthcare professional• Consult your hearing healthcareprofessional• Refer to the sections “Earmolds”and “Cleaning Your BreezeHearing Instruments”.Consult your hearing healthcareprofessional• Replace battery• Consult your hearing healthcareprofessional• Replace battery• Consult your hearinghealthcare professional• Turn up volume• Move telephone around ear forclearer signal• Rent or purchase a telephonethat is telecoil compatible• Replace batteries