40 41Cause Possible remedyIssue: not loud enoughLow volume Turn up volume; see hearinghealthcare professional ifproblem persistsLow battery Replace battery or placerechargeable hearing aids incharging base*Custom molds/domesnot inserted properlySee “Putting your hearingaids on your ears.” Removeand reinsert carefullyChange in hearing Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalCustom molds/domesblocked with ear waxClean custom molds/domes.See “Cleaning your hearingaids.” Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalPlugged microphones Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalCause Possible remedyIssue: intermittent soundLow battery Replace battery or placerechargeable hearing aids incharging base*Dirty battery contact Consult your hearinghealthcare professionalIssue: two long beepsLow battery Replace battery or placerechargeable hearing aids incharging base*Issue: whistlingCustom molds/domesnot inserted properlySee “Putting your hearingaids on your ears.” Removeand reinsert carefullyHand/clothing near ear Move hand/clothing awayfrom earPoorly fitting custommolds/domesConsult your hearinghealthcare professional*If needed, you can temporarily replace the Silver Zincrechargeable battery with a traditional 13 Zinc-airbattery. Do not throw away your rechargeable battery.