4948WarningsPlease read the information on the followingpages before using your Unitron uStream.Hazard warningsKeep this device out of reach of pets andchildren under 3 years.Only use hearing aids that have beenspecially programmed for you by yourhearing healthcare professional.Changes or modifications to any of thedevices that were not explicitly approved byUnitron are not permitted.For persons with active implantable medicaldevices (i.e. pacemakers, defibrillators, etc.)the use of this device is not permitted. Askyour hearing healthcare professional fordetails.Opening the uStream might damage it. Ifproblems occur which cannot be resolvedby following the remedy guidelines inthe troubleshooting section of this userguide, consult your hearing healthcareprofessional.This product has an embedded, non-replaceable battery. Do not attempt to openthe product or remove the battery as thismay cause injury and damage the product.Dispose of electrical components inaccordance with your local regulations.Do not use the device in explosive areas(mines or industrial areas with danger ofexplosions, oxygen rich environments orareas where flammable anesthetics arehandled) or where electronic equipment isprohibited.External devices may only be connected ifthey have been tested in accordance withcorresponding IECXXXXX standards. Onlyuse accessories approved by Unitron.Using your uStream cables in any waycontradictory to their intended purpose(e.g., wearing the USB cable around theneck) can cause injury.