Appendix44 Installation and maintenance instructions ecoFIT sustain 0020230529_02PRIOR TO CO AND COMBUSTION RATIO CHECKThe boiler manufacturer’s installation instructions should have been followed, gas type verified and gassupply pressure/rate checked as required prior to commissioning.As part of the installation process, especially where a flue has been fitted by persons other than theboiler installer, visually check the integrity of the whole flue system to confirm that all components arecorrectly assembled, fixed and supported. Check that manufacturer’s max. flue lengths have not beenexceeded and all guidance has been followed (e.g. Gas Safe Technical Bulletin TB008).The flue gas analyser should be of the correct type, as specified by BS 7967Prior to its use, the flue gas analyser should have been maintained and calibrated as specified by themanufacturer. The installer must have the relevant competence for use of the analyser.Check and zero the analyser IN FRESH AIR as per analyser manufacturer’s instructions.NOTETHE AIR GAS RATIO VALVE IS FACTORYSET AND MUST NOT BE ADJUSTEDDURING COMMISSIONING UNLESS THISACTION IS RECOMMENDED FOLLOWINGCONTACT WITH THE MANUFACTURER.If any such adjustment is recommended andfurther checking of the boiler is required theinstaller/service engineer must be competentto carry out this work and to use the flue gasanalyser accordingly.If the boiler requires conversion to operate witha different gas family (e.g. conversion fromnatural gas to LPG) separate guidance will beprovided by the boiler manufacturerCARRY OUT FLUE INTEGRITY CHECK USING ANALYSERInsert analyser probe into air inlet test point and allow readings to stabilise.NOTE - where no air inlet test point is provided then a flue integrity checkwith the analyser is not possible. The installer should verify that flueintegrity has been visually checked in accordance with the “Prior toCO and combustion ratio check” box above before proceeding to the“Check CO and combustion ratio at maximum rate” stage below.SET BOILER TO MINIMUM RATEIn accordance with boiler instructions, set boiler to operate at minimum rate (tominimum load condition). Allow sufficient time for combustion to stabilise.NOTE - If manufacturer’s instructions do not specify how to set boiler to minimumrate contact Technical Helpline for advice.CHECK CO AND COMBUSTION RATIO AT MINIMUM RATEWith boiler still set at minimum rate, insert analyser probe into flue gas samplingpoint. Allow readings to stabilise before recording.NOTE - If no flue gas sampling point is present and the correct procedure is notspecified in the manual, consult boiler manufacturer for guidance.CHECK CO AND COMBUSTION RATIO AT MAX. RATEWith boiler still set at maximum rate, insert analyser probe into flue gassampling point. Allow readings to stabilise before recording.NOTE - If no flue gas sampling point is present and the correct procedure isnot specified in the manual, consult boiler manufacturer for guidance.SET BOILER TO MAXIMUM RATEIn accordance with boiler instructions, set boiler to operate at max. rate(full load condition). Allow sufficient time for combustion to stabilise.NOTE - Do not insert analyser probe during this period to avoidpossible “flooding” of sensor.IsCO less than350ppm andCO/CO2 ratioless than 0.004IsO2 20.6%andCO2 < 0.2%IsCO less than350ppm andCO/CO 2 ratioless than 0.004BOILER IS OPERATING SATISFACTORILYno further actions required.Ensure test points are capped, boiler case is correctly replaced andall other commissioning procedures are completed.Complete Benchmark Checklist, recording CO and combustion ratioreadings as required.TURN OFF APPLIANCE AND CALLMANUFACTURER’S TECHNICAL HELPLINEFOR ADVICE.THE APPLIANCE MUST NOT BECOMMISSIONED UNTIL PROBLEMS AREIDENTIFIED AND RESOLVED.VERIFY FLUE INTEGRITYAnalyser readings indicate that combustion productsand inlet air must be mixing. Further investigation ofthe flue is therefore required.Check that flue components are assembled, fixedand supported as per boiler/flue manufacturer’sinstructions.Check that flue and flue terminal are not obstructed.IsCO less than335ppmandCO/CO2 ratio lessthan 0.004IsO2 20.6%andCO2 < 0.2%Check all seals around the appliance burner,internal flue seals, door and case seals.Rectify where necessary.TURN OFF APPLIANCE AND CALLMANUFACTURER’S TECHNICAL HELPLINEFOR ADVICE.THE APPLIANCE MUST NOT BECOMMISSIONED UNTIL PROBLEMS AREIDENTIFIED AND RESOLVED. IFCOMMISSIONING CANNOT BE FULLYCOMPLETED, THE APPLIANCE MUST BEDISCONNECTED FROM THE GAS SUPPLY INACCORDANCE WITH THE GSIUR.NOTE: Check and record CO and combustion ratioat both max. and min. rate before contacting themanufacturer.NONONONONOYESYESYESYESYES