• The gas valve will open and spar-king will commence at the burner.The ignition indicator willilluminate.• As soon as the burner has ignitedand the flame has been sensed theflame indicator will illuminate.• By illuminating in this sequence theindicator lights have demonstratedcorrect operation of the boiler forCH.Note : Should the boiler fail to lightit will attempt re-ignition after anapproximate delay of 10 seconds, ifthe boiler fails to light at the 2ndattempt the burner lock out indicatorwill illuminate. This usually meansthat the gas supply is turned off orhas not been purged of air. Checkthe gas supply, turn the central hea-ting control to the reset position ( )and repeat the lighting procedure.0°C306090120043 2 1bar8 976543 2 18 976543 2 1275.10 Functional Checks5.10.1 IntroductionThe Vaillant TURBOmax is equippedwith a set of diagnostic indicator lightsto show the operational status of theboiler. A functional check of DHWand CH operation can be made usingthese indicator lights (fig. 41).5.10.2 Functional check of domestichot water• Ensure that the power on indicatoris illuminated.• Set the boiler central heatingcontrol to the 'Hot Water only'position ( ).• Turn on a hot tap and draw waterat a high rate.• The hot water demand indicatorwill illuminate.• The appliance will start its lightingsequence. Once the fan and fluesystem has proved itself, the fanoperation indicator will light.• The gas valve will open andsparking will commence at theburner. The ignition indicator willilluminate.• As soon as the burner has ignitedand the flame has been sensed theflame indicator will illuminate.• By illuminating in this sequence theindicator lights have demonstratedcorrect operation of the boiler forDHW.5.10.3 Functional check of centralheating• Ensure that the power on indicatoris illuminated.• Set the boiler central heatingcontrol to the 'Central Heating andHot Water' position ( ).• Ensure external controls are callingfor heat.• The central heating demandindicator will illuminate.• Providing the boiler has notachieved its set temperature, andthe anti cycling control is notactivated, the boiler will start itslighting sequence. Once the fanand flue system have proved theirsatisfactory operation the fanoperation indicator will light.fig. 41GW 849/1Burner lock out indicatorFlame indicatorIgnition indicatorFan operation indicatorCentral heating demand indicatorHot water demand indicatorPower on indicator