Operating instructions VRC 43084.2 Overview of the displaysThe parameters and settings (operating values) of theVRC 430 are shown on different screens.The screens are sub-divided into:– Default display (Fig. 4.1)– Basic display (Fig. 4.2)– Display/input screens for certain specific parametersin the user level (see Chapter 4.4 and 4.5)– Display/input screens for operating and installationspecific parameters in the installer levelAll the screens are divided into three areas.56.0 °CAuto> Select room temperature 21.0 °CTh. 12.01.0611:463.0 °C OutsideHC1AutoDHW123Fig. 4.2 Overview display (example basic display)Key1 Area for basic data, title of the screen or status and errormessages2 Area for display and input of parameters3 Area for display of explanationsThe basic data are:– Current day– Date– Time of the day– Outside temperatureIn the screens for specific parameters, the title of thescreen appears instead of the basic data.> Select room temperatureTh. 12.01.0611:463.0 °C OutsideHC1DHW 56.0 °C21.0 °C AutoAuto1 2 3 4Fig. 4.3 Area for display and input of parameters(example basic display)Key1 Parameter name (only display)2 Cursormarks the scroll to a modifiable value3 Input field for parameter values; here: target set temperature4 Input field for parameter values; here: Operating mode4.3 Operating conceptThe operation in the default display is described inChapter 4.3.3.The operating concept described below applies to thebasic display (Fig. 4.2) and to the various differentdisplay/input screens of the user level.The two dials (Fig. 4.1 Items 2 and 3) function accordingto the Vaillant principle "Turn and Click".When turning the dials (clockwise or anti-clockwise),they index positively with each step. Each index stepalso moves the cursor one position forwards orbackwards in the display.By clicking (pressing) you can highlight or acceptchanges to a parameter.Action OutcomeLeft-hand dial Turn Scroll to next screenRight-handdialTurn Scroll to an input fieldwithin a screen (marked bythe cursor)Changing a parameterClicking(pushing)Highlight for changingTurn Change the parametervalueClicking(pushing)Save the valueTable 4.1 Operating concept4 Operation