26 Installation and maintenance instructions 0020285063_05Fault code Description Possible cause Solution Temporary operationERR. 01Incorrect temperaturesensor readings– The air temperaturesensor and the defrost-ing sensor have beeninverted on the PCB– The defrosting sensorand the water temper-ature sensor have beeninverted on the PCB– The defrosting sensoris connected to theair connection plug.The air temperaturesensor is connected tothe water connectionplug and the watertemperature sensoris connected to thedefrosting connectionplugConnecting the temper-ature sensors to the PCBcorrectlyHeat pump decommis-sioned.Incorrect defrosting sensorreadingsDefrosting sensor incor-rectly installed on the pipe.Air temperature is meas-uredRe-establishing contactbetween the defrostingsensor and the pipeHeat pump out of gas Leak in the cooling circuit Finding and repairing theleak before filling the cool-ing circuitExpansion valve decom-missionedBreak in the copper pipefor the expansion valve fol-lowing interference or dueto contact with a vibratingcomponent.Replacing the expansionvalveCompressor decommis-sioned and safety cut-outactivatedCompressor defective Replacing the compressorERR. 02 Incorrect temperaturesensor readings– The air temperatureand the water temper-ature sensors havebeen inverted on thePCB.– The defrosting sensoris connected on thewater connection plug.The water temperaturesensor is connected tothe air connection plug,and the air temperaturesensor is connected tothe defrosting connec-tion plug.Connecting sensors to thePCB correctlyProduct decommissioned.ERR. 03 Incorrect temperaturesensor readingsThe defrosting sensor isconnected on the waterconnection plug. The watertemperature sensor is con-nected to the air connec-tion plug, and the air tem-perature sensor is connec-ted to the defrosting con-nection plug.Connecting sensors to thePCB correctlyProduct decommissioned.ERR. 04 Incorrect defrosting and hotwater temperature sensorreadingsThe defrosting sensor andthe water temperaturesensor have been invertedon the PCB.Connecting sensors to thePCB correctlyHeat pump decommis-sioned.ERR. 08 Incorrect measurements bythe defrosting sensorThe defrosting sensor isdefective.Replace the sensor The product works in al-ternating operation with theheat pump.EPrO Display card has a storageproblem– Display card is dam-aged– Display connectioncable is damaged– Replacing the displaycard– Replacing the displayconnection cableProduct decommissioned.