3 Product description8 Operating instructions ecoCRAFT exclusive 0020149575_01heating installation, the operating mode orcertain additional information.The i button is used to call up status in-formation.The controller, which is available as anaccessory, automatically controls the flowtemperature depending on the outsidetemperature.The main switch is used to switch theproduct on and off.The + button is used to display the cylindertemperature (if the product is equippedwith a cylinder temperature sensor for thedomestic hot water cylinder).The ā button is used to display the fillingpressure of the heating installation.The Reset button is used to reset theproduct in the case of certain faults.The heating flow temperature rotary knobis used to set the heating flow temperatureif no controller is connected. If a controlleris connected, the heating flow temperaturerotary knob should be turned clockwise asfar as it will go.The cylinder temperature rotary knob isused to set the cylinder temperature if adomestic hot water cylinder is connected.If a control is connected, the rotary knobshould be turned clockwise as far as itwill go. The controller then determines thecylinder temperature.3.3.1 Digital Information andAnalysis System (DIA)121 Display showingthe current heat-ing flow temper-ature, the fillingpressure in theheating installa-tion, or a statusor fault code2 Plain text displaySym-bol Meaning ExplanationFault in theair/flue gas routeFault in theair/flue gas route