3 Product description8 Operating instructions ecoFIT pure 0020230534_026 Maximum out-put (only usedfor Austria,Germany andSwitzerland)7 Access to themenu for addi-tional information8 Current assign-ment of the left-hand selectionbutton9 Active operatingstatus3.3 Displayed symbolsSym-bolMeaning ExplanationBurner operatingcorrectlyBurner onbarCurrent fillingpressure of theheating systemThe dashed linesshow the permit-ted range– Permanentlyon: Fillingpressure inthe permittedrange– Flashing:Filling pres-sure outsidethe permittedrangeHeating modeactive– Permanentlyon: Heatingmode heatrequirement– Flashing:Burner on inheating modeHot water gener-ation active– Permanentlyon: In draw-offmode beforeburner is on– Flashing:Burner on indraw-off modeMaintenance re-quiredInformation onthe maintenancemessage in the"Live Monitor"Summer modeactiveHeating mode isswitched offSym-bolMeaning ExplanationBurner anti-cyc-ling time is activeTo avoid theneed for frequentswitching on andoff (increases theproduct's workinglife).F.XXFault in theproductFault in theproduct. Appearsinstead of thebasic display.3.4 Information on theidentification plateThe identification plate is mounted on theunderside of the product in the factory.The identification plate keeps record ofthe country in which the product is to beinstalled.Informationon the identi-fication plateMeaningBarcode with serial numberSerial number For quality control purposes;3rd and 4th digits = year ofproductionFor quality control purposes;5th and 6th digits = week ofproductionFor identification purposes;7th to 16th digits = productarticle numberFor quality control purposes;17th to 20th digits = place ofmanufactureecoFIT pure Product designation2H, G20 – 2kPa (20 mbar)Factory setting for type ofgas and gas connectionpressureCat. Unit categoryCondensingtechnologyEfficiency class of the boilerin accordance with EC Dir-ective 92/42/EECType: Xx3(x) Permissible flue gas connec-tions