ProStar 210/215/ PrepStar 218/SD-1 SDM -24- 03-914947-20:5number of lines (corresponding to the number of samples)and the sequence name.2. The sequence is displayed: complete the informationsequence columns (refer to Galaxie Chromatography DataSystem User’s Guide).The Method Name, the Run Name, the Run ID and theAcquisition length must be filled in before starting theanalysis. All these fields are automatically imported from theacquisition part if defined in the method.3. Start the sequence by clicking on the button.NOTE: For more details about how to start an acquisition, refer to the GalaxieChromatography Data System User’s Guide.Running Acquisition StatusViewing a Running AcquisitionTo view a running acquisition, click on the Systems tab thenselect the running system. A window is activated which iscomposed of two parts: the running chromatogram and thestatus window where the driver modules are listed.Status of the ProStar / PrepStar PumpClick on the button corresponding to the ProStar /PrepStar pump driver, and the pump status screens will appear.It contains four sub-sections: Elution, Alarm, About andOverview. Click on the required sub-section to display thecorresponding parameters that will be used during thechromatographic run.