TECHNICAL INFORMATION33 87-900-969-01For ConFlat flange connections we recommendusing Varian hardware. Other hardware can beused if it satisfies to this specifications:− stainless steel screws− minimum strength point of 500 N/mm 2− length: 63.5 mm (2.5 inches).To facilitate assembly and dismantling, apply Fel-pro C-100 high temperature lubricant to the screwthreads protruding from the flange and betweenthe nuts and flange.!!!! CAUTIONExercise care when tightening nuts and bolts toavoid creating dents in the envelope as this maycause the pump rotor to lock.Connection B - FORE-VACUUM PUMPA flange KF 40 NW is available to connect the Tur-bopump to the fore-vacuum pump. A hose or vac-uum approved pipe can be used. If a rigid pipe isused, any vibration generated by the mechanicalpump must be eliminated through the use of bel-lows.NOTEThe Turbo pump is characterized by its high com-pression ratio also for oil vapors. When using amechanical oil-sealed pump, it is advisable to in-stall a suitable trap between the turbopump and thefore-vacuum pump in order to prevent oil back-streaming.Connection C - ELECTRICALThe turbopump is connected to the controllerthrough an 8-pin connector. Pins B, C and D arethe 3-phase supply to the motor, pins A and F areconnected to the upper bearing temperature sen-sor, pins A and G are connected to the lower bear-ing temperature sensor and pin E is connected tothe pump ground; pin H is not connected.If one temperature sensor is disconnected, thepump will not start. To prevent damage to thepump when the temperature exceeds 60∞ C, thesensor automatically cuts out the power supply.