146 Driving and operatingCruise controlThe cruise control can store andmaintain speeds of approx. 20 to120 mph. Deviations from the storedspeeds may occur when driving uphillor downhill.For safety reasons the cruise controlcannot be activated until the footbrake has been operated once.Do not use the cruise control if it is notadvisable to maintain a constantspeed.With automatic transmission ormanual transmission automated, onlyactivate cruise control in automaticmode.Control indicator m 3 96.ActivationBriefly press the m button: the currentspeed is stored and maintained.Vehicle speed can be increased bydepressing the accelerator pedal.When the accelerator pedal isreleased, the previously stored speedis resumed.The speed is saved until the ignitionis switched off.To resume the saved speed, brieflypress the g button at a speed above20 mph.Increase speedWith cruise control active, hold downbutton m or briefly press it repeatedly:speed is increased continuously or insmall increments.When button m is released thecurrent speed is stored andmaintained.Reduce speedWith cruise control active, hold downbutton g or briefly press it repeatedly:speed is reduced continuously or insmall increments.When button g is released the currentspeed is stored and maintained.DeactivationBriefly press the § button: cruisecontrol is deactivated.Automatic deactivation:■ Vehicle speed below approx.20 mph■ The brake pedal is depressed■ The clutch pedal is depressed■ Selector lever in N.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com