80Safety systems Three-stage re straint systemComprising:z three-point seat belts,z belt tensioners a t the front seats,z airbag sy stems for driver, frontpassenger 3 and pa ssengers in the outerrea r seats 3.The three stag es are a ctivated in sequencedepending on the seriousness of theaccident:z The automa tic seat belt locking devicesprevent the belt strap from being pulledout and thus ensure that the v ehicleoccupants are retained in their seats.z The front seat b elt buckles are p ulleddownwards. As a result, the seat b eltsare instantaneously tightened and theoccupants are made aware of thedeceleration of the vehicle at a v ery ea rlystage. This reduces the stress placed onthe body.z The airbag sy stems a re also triggered inthe ev ent of serious accidents and form asafety cushion for the occupants.Be sure to read the detailed descriptions ofthe three-stage restra int system and thechild restraint system on the followingpag es!The airbag sy stems 3 serve tosupplement the three-p oint sea t beltsand belt tensioners. The seat belts musttherefore always be worn. Disregard ofthese instructions may lead to injuries orendanger life. Vehicle p assengers shouldbe informed accordingly.
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