162 Service and maintenanceInspection systemIn order to ensure economica l and safevehic le operation a nd to maintain thevalue of your vehicle, it is of vitalimportance tha t all maintenance work iscarried out at the p roper intervals asspecified.Fixed servic e i nt erv alWhen service is due, InSP ap pears inthe odom eter display for approxima tely10 second s w hen the ignition is switchedon. Hav e the next service performed by aworkshop within one week or 300 miles(500 km ), whichever occurs first.The service interval display takes accountof off-the-road p eriods during which thebattery is d isconnected.Flexible serv ice interva l 3The length of the service intervals is basedon several parameters stemming fromusage. For this reason, variousengine-spec ific data is continuallygathered and is used to calculate theremaining distance until the next serv ic e.If the remaining dista nce is less than1000 m iles (1500 km), I nSP is displa yedwith a remaining distance of than 600 m iles(1000 km ) when the ignition is switched onand off. If less than 600 miles (1000 km )remain, InSP is displayed for severa lsecond s. Have the next service performedby a workshop within one week or 300 m iles(500 km), w hichever occ urs first.Display of rema ining distance:1. Sw itch off ignition.2. Briefly press the trip odometer resetbutton. The odometer reading is shown.3. Press and hold the reset button for about2 seconds. InS P and the remainingdistance a re displayed.Further information on maintenance andthe inspection system can be found in theS ervice and Warranty Booklet, which islocated in the g lov e com partment.Hav e ma intena nce work – and repair workon the body and the eq uipm ent – carriedout professionally by a work shop. Werecommend using your VauxhallAuthorised Repa irer, who has excellentknowledge of Vauxhall v ehicles and hasthe necessary special tools and up-to-dateservice instructions from Vauxhall. It isparticularly a dvisable to use a VauxhallAuthorised Repa irer during the wa rra ntyperiod in order to p revent inv alidation ofthe warranty . Further informa tion can befound in the Serv ice and Warranty Booklet.Sepa rate anti-c orrosion serv iceC arry out according to the intervalsspec ified in the S ervice and WarrantyBooklet.Ofrecido por www.electromanuales.com