Basic operation 109Basic operationBasic operation .......................... 109Tone settings ............................. 110Volume settings ......................... 111System settings ......................... 112Basic operationInstrument panelMENU knobThe MENU knob is one of the centralcontrol elements for menu operation.Turn:■ To select a screen button or menuitem.■ To scroll through a list of menuitems.■ To change a settings value.NoteThe selected item is highlighted.Press:■ To activate a selected screenbutton or menu item.■ To confirm a changed settingsvalue.■ To switch to a different settingsoption.■ To display the application-specificsubmenu.NoteIn subsequent chapters theoperating steps for selecting andactivating a screen button or menuitem will be described as "...selectthe...screen button..." or " item...".Home buttonPress the ; button on the instrumentpanel to access the Home screen.BACK buttonWhen operating the menus, press theBACK button to return to the nexthigher menu level.