106 Instruments and controlsThe following settings can beselected by turning and pushing themultifunction knob:■ Sport mode settings■ Time & Date■ Radio settings■ Phone settings■ Navigation settings■ Vehicle settings■ Display settings■ Restore factory settingsIn the corresponding submenus thefollowing settings can be changed:Sport mode settingsThe driver can select the functionswhich will be activated in Sport mode3 141.■ Sport suspension: Dampingbecomes harder.■ Sport powertrain performance:Accelerator pedal and gear shiftcharacteristics become moreresponsive.■ Sport steering: Steering supportreduced.■ Sport All-Wheel-Drive: Enginetorque is distributed to a greaterextent to the rear axle.■ Swap backlight colour main instr.:Change of instrument illuminationcolour.■ Restore factory settings: Reset allfunctions to factory settings.Time & DateSee Clock 3 76.Radio settingsSee description for Infotainmentsystem.Phone settingsSee description for Infotainmentsystem.Navigation settingsSee description for Infotainmentsystem.