44 PhonePhoneGeneral information ..................... 44Bluetooth connection ................... 45Emergency call ............................ 46Operation ..................................... 47Mobile phones and CB radioequipment .................................... 50General informationThe Phone portal provides you withthe possibility of having mobile phoneconversations via a vehiclemicrophone and the vehicleloudspeakers as well as operating themost important mobile phonefunctions via the Infotainment systemin the vehicle. To be able to use thePhone portal, the mobile phone mustbe connected to the Infotainmentsystem via Bluetooth.Not all Phone functions are supportedby every mobile phone. The usablephone functions depend on therelevant mobile phone and networkprovider. You can find furtherinformation on this in the operatinginstructions for your mobile phone, oryou can enquire about them with yournetwork provider.Important information foroperation and traffic safety9 WarningMobile phones have effects onyour environment. For this reasonsafety regulations and directionshave been prepared. You shouldbe familiar with the relateddirections before you use thetelephone function.9 WarningUse of the hands-free facility whiledriving can be dangerous becauseyour concentration is reducedwhen telephoning. Park yourvehicle before you use the hands-free facility. Follow the stipulationsof the country in which you findyourself at present.Do not forget to follow the specialregulations that apply in specificareas and always switch off themobile phone if the use of mobilephones is prohibited, if