517 Setting up sensor and Modbus interface with PACTwareVEGABAR 82 • Modbus and Levelmaster protocol46294-EN-1711207.3 Set instrument addressThe VEGABAR 82 requires an address for participating as a Slave inthe Modbus communication. The addess setting is carried out via aPC with PACTware/DTM or Modbus RTU.The default settings for the address are:• Modbus: 246• Levelmaster: 31Note:The setting of the instrument address can only be carried out online.Start the project assistant and wait until the project tree has been setup. Then, in the project tree, go to the symbol for the Modbus gateway.Select with the right mouse key "Parameter", then "Online parameteradjustment" and start the DTM for the Modbus electronics.In the menu bar of the DTM, go to the list arrow next to the symbol for"Screwdriver". Select the menu item "Change address in the instru-ment" and set the requested address.In the device catalogue, select the option "Modbus Serial" under"Driver". Double click on this driver and integrate it into the projecttree.Open the device manager on your PC and find out which COM inter-face the USB/RS 485 adapter is located on. Then go to the symbol"Modbus COM." in the project tree. Select "Parameter" with the rightmouse key and start the DTM for the USB/RS 485 adapter. Enter theCOM interface no. from the device manager under "Basic settings".Select with the right mouse key "Additional functions" and "Instrumentsearch". The DTM then searches for the connected Modbus partici-pants and integrates them into the project tree. Now, in the projecttree, go to the symbol for the Modbus gateway. Select with the rightmouse key "Parameter", then "Online parameter setting" and start theDTM for the Modbus electronics.In the menu bar of the DTM, go to the list arrow next to the symbol for"Screwdriver". Select the menu item "Change address in the instru-ment" and set the requested address.Then move again to the symbol "Modbus COM." in the project tree.Select with the right mouse key "Additional functions" and "ChangeDTM addresses". Enter here the modified address of the Modbusgateway.The instrument address is set in register no. 200 of the HoldingRegister (see chapter "Modbus register " in this operating instructionsmanual).The procedure depends on the respective Modbus-RTU and theconfiguration tool.Via PC through ModbuselectronicsVia PC through RS 485cableVia Modbus-RTU