The switching status of the electronics can be checked withclosed housing (only plastic housing), see "Function chart".Note:When placing the housing cover, make sure that the inspectionglass is above the signal lamp (LED) of the oscillator.To adjust VEGACAP 27, loosen first of all the four screws onthe upper side of the instrument with a screwdriver and removethe housing cover.You can adapt the switching point to the solid with thepotentiometer.The electronics is adjustment free and an adaption is onlynecessry in exceptions. See "Exceptions".With the mode switch you can change the switching conditionof the relay. You can set the required mode (A - max. detectionor overfill protection, B - min. detection or dry run protection).We recommend connecting according to the quiescent currentprinciple (relay contact deenergizes when the switching pointis reached), because the relay always takes on the same(safe) condition if a failure is detected or in case of mainsfailure.Control lamp for indication of the switching conditionl Control lamp on = Relay deenergisedThe measuring system is immediately ready for operation.The switching point must no longer be set with VEGACAP 27.The probe has an active tip and a screen segment. Thanks tothe screen segment, the so called standing capacitance,caused by the vessel after installation of the probe, is mainlycompensated.As a default setting, the oscillator is adjusted to the basiccapacitance of the probe. The relay output switching when theactive tip is covered (active tip: 50 … 150 mm / 2 … 5.9 in) ofthe electrode.Changing dielectric values of the products, such as e.g.caused in mixing vessels are no problem for the switchingaccuracy within the active pin. The selection of the electrodelength is hence very important because the length of theelectrode determines the switching point. This switching pointcannot be shifted on the electrode.Switching point adaptation (6)Mode adjustment (5)Signal lamp (4)Switching point adjustmentVEGACAP 27 - - double relay (DPDT) 17Set up33758-EN-070809