8 Compare the settings of the two electronics modules. Set theadjustment elements of the new electronics module to the samesetting of the old one.Information:Make sure that the housing is not rotated during the electronicsexchange. Otherwise the plug may be in a different position later.9 Insert the electronics module carefully. Make sure that the plug isin the correct position.10 Screw in the two holding screws and tighten them11 Insert the wire ends into the open terminals according to the wiringplan12 Press down the opening levers of the terminals, you will hear theterminal spring closing13 Check the hold of the wires in the terminals by lightly pulling onthem14 Check cable gland on tightness. The seal ring must completelyencircle the cable.15 Mount the probe into the vessel. Make sure that the probe isuncovered.21Fig. 2: Compensation key1 Measuring range selection switch (compensation key)2 Control lamp16 Push the measuring range selection switch (1) as long as thecontrol lamp (2) flashes green.17 Hence the probe is compensated to the modified length.18 Carry out the adjustment again. See chapter "Set-up, adjustmentelements".19 Screw the housing cover back onThe electronics exchange is now finished.As a rule, an exchange of electronics must be documented internallywhen Ex applications are involved.Electronics module • VEGACAP series 60 74 Mounting30174-EN-120124