6.4 Setup procedureIn HART-Multidrop mode (several sensors on one input) theaddress must be set before continuing with the parameteradjustment. You will find a detailed description in the operatinginstructions manual "Indicating and adjustment module" or inthe online help of PACTware™ or DTM.HART modeStandardAddress 0As VEGAPULS 63 is a distance measuring instrument, thedistance from the sensor to the product surface is measured.To have the real product level displayed, an allocation of themeasured distance to the percentage height must be made. Tocarry out this adjustment, the distance is entered with full andempty vessel. If these values are not known, an adjustmentwith the distance values, e.g. 10 % and 90 % is also possible.Starting point for these distance specifications is always theseal surface of the thread or flange. With these settings, thereal level is calculated. Furthermore the operating range of thesensor is limited from maximum to the required range.The real product level during this adjustment is not important,because the min./max. adjustment is always carried outwithout changing the product level. These settings can bemade ahead of time without the instrument having to beinstalled.Caution:If there is a separation of liquids with different dielectric valuesin the vessel, e.g. from condensation, VEGAPULS 63 candetect under certain circumstances only the medium with thehigher dielectric value.Keep in mind that interfaces can cause faulty measurements.If you want to measure the total height of both liquids reliably,please contact our service department or use an instrumentspecially designed for interface measurement.In the main menu item "Basic adjustment", the individualsubmenu items should be selected one after the other andprovided with the correct parameter values.Address setting HART-Multi-dropParameter adjustmentSet up with the indicating and adjustment module PLICSCOMVEGAPULS 63 - 4 ... 20 mA/HART 3328436-EN-070412