WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 17750-402 4DI 24V DC 3.0msManualVersion 1.1.0Pos : 29 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Ansc hl üss e/Leistungs kontakte/F el dvers orgung - Übersc hrift 3 @ 6\mod_1256294692864_21.doc x @ 43664 @ 3 @ 13.2.2 Power Jumper Contacts/Field SupplyPos : 30.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Wic htige Erläuterungen/Sicherheits- und sonstig e Hinweis e/Vorsic ht/Vorsicht: Verl etz ungsgefahr durc h s charfkantige M ess er kontakte! @ 6\mod_1256193279401_21.doc x @ 43414 @ @ 1Risk of injury due to sharp-edged male contacts!The male contacts are sharp-edged. Handle the module carefully to prevent injury.Pos : 30.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Ansc hl üsse/Leistungs kontakte 2 LK (Mess er/Leis tungs kontakte 2 LK (Messer /Feder) - Ei nleitung @ 15\mod_1371721641099_21.doc x @ 123714 @ @ 1The I/O module 750-402 has 2 self-cleaning power jumper contacts that supplyand transmit power for the field side. The contacts on the left side of the I/Omodule are designed as male contacts and the contacts on the right side as springcontacts.Pos : 30.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Ansc hl üsse/Leistungs kontakte 2 LK (Mess er/Leis tungs kontakte 2 LK (Messer /Feder) - Abbil dung (ei nfac he Brei te) @ 15\mod_1367500700037_21.doc x @ 118396 @ @ 1Figure 3: Power jumper contactsPos : 30.4 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Ansc hl üsse/Leistungs kontakte 2 LK (Mess er/Leis tungs kontakte 2 LK (Messer /Feder) - Legende @ 15\mod_1371721352500_21.doc x @ 123710 @ @ 1Table 4: Caption acc. to view “Power jumper contacts”Contact Type Function1 Spring contact Potential transmission (Uv) for field supply2 Spring contact Potential transmission (0 V) for field supply3 Blade contact Potential feed-in (0 V) for field supply4 Blade contact Potential feed-in (Uv) for field supplyPos : 30.5 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Wic htige Erläuterungen/Sicherheits- und sonstig e Hinweis e/Achtung/Achtung: M axi mal er Strom Leistungs kontakte 10 A @ 3\mod_1226499143500_21.doc x @ 25029 @ @ 1Do not exceed maximum current via power contacts!The maximum current to flow through the power contacts is 10 A.Greater currents can damage the power contacts.When configuring the system, ensure that this current is not exceeded. Ifexceeded, an additional potential feed module must be used.Pos : 30.6 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Wic htige Erläuterungen/Sicherheits- und sonstig e Hinweis e/Hinweis/Hi nweis: Potenti alei ns peis ekl emme für Erde ei nsetzen! @ 3\mod_1226499037468_21.doc x @ 25023 @ @ 1Use potential feed module for Ground (earth)!The I/O module has no power contacts for PE intake and transfer. Use a potentialfeed module when a PE feed is needed for the subsequent I/O modules.Pos : 31 /D okumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungs elemente/---Seitenwechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1