Quick Start ï 7Network StructureWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O Modules2 Quick StartThese quick start instructions explain, by means of an example, how to start-up and configure the BluetoothÆ RF-Transceiver 750-644 (BluetoothÆ module)via WAGO-I/O-CHECK.The instructions demonstrate how to start the module up with minimal con-figuration, and therefore do not describe the entire range of functions. The ob-jective of these instructions is to configure a simple peer-to-peer communica-tion between two BluetoothÆ modules. One module will function as a master,the other as a slave.2.1 Network Structure1. Construct two identical bus nodes as shown in Figure 1.• 750-841 Ethernet Controller• 750-644 BluetoothÆ RF Transceiver• 750-600 End Module2. Connect one of the controllers to a free serial port of your PC using aWAGO communication cable (750-920).3. Connect the second controller in the same manner to another PC serialport.AttentionDo not form a fieldbus connection (e.g., by using an ETHERNET cable);otherwise, access to the process data within WAGO-I/O-CHECK is not pos-sible.4. Connect both nodes on the system and field sides with a 24-volt powersupply.5. Switch the power supply on.Additional informationEach serial PC port is operated by its own WAGO-I/O-CHECK software.Depending on port availability, use one or two PCs for configuring the mod-ules.If you are using one PC with two ports, the WAGO-I/O-CHECK softwarecan be started several times. You can select the proper COM ports using the"F8" key on your keyboard. If using only one port or one WAGO-I/O-CHECK, the configuration of master and slaves is rather time-consuming.