Dictionaries of Computer Terminology72 WatchGuard System ManagerRSS FeedsRich Site Summary (RSS) is an XML-based Web standard for easily distributing news and otherinformation in syndication. In other words, RSS provides a format that delivers news from many sourcesdirectly to your desktop.Furthermore, WatchGuard® provides a free RSS feed, WatchGuard Wire, that covers many securitytopics and, when combined with LiveSecurity® or LiveSecurity Informer, keeps you up to date with thelatest breaking security news.During a network administrator's hectic day, it can be hard to find the time to browse the Web for allthe latest IT and network security news. Yet, sometimes this news could help you save your networkfrom the latest virulent worm. An RSS reader can provide you with a convenient, one-stop shopconsolidating news from all your favorite sources. Try out RSS and WatchGuard Wire. They are free, andkeep you informed while saving you time.Resources:www.watchguard.com/rss/Aboutrss.aspxAn introduction to the WatchGuard Wire RSS feed.www.watchguard.com/rss/list.aspxA Web archive of the latest WatchGuard Wire articles.Security Feedswww.watchguard.com/rss/watchguardwire.xmlWatchGuard Wirewww.securityfocus.com/rss/vulnerabilities.xmlSecurityFocus Latest Vulnerabilitieswww.securityfocus.com/rss/news.xmlSecurityFocus newswww.sophos.com/virusinfo/infofeed/tenalerts.xmlSophos Ten Latest Virmswww.sophos.com/virusinfo/infofeed/hoax.xmlSophos Top Virus Hoaxeswww.sophos.com/virusinfo/infofeed/topten.xmlSophos Top Virms Last Monthwww.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/secrss.aspxMicrosoft Security Bulletin Feedwww.2600.com/rss.xml2600 (Hacker journal)IT Related Feedsslashdot.org/slashdot.rssnews.com.com/2547-1_3-0-5.xmlCNET News Main News Feednews.com.com/2547-7343_3-0-5.xmlCNET News Enterprise Software Feed