Prerequisites for a High Availability SystemHigh Availability Guide 3Configuration Comparison Between Active/Standby andActive/Active ModeIn This GuideThis guide discusses High Availability Active/Active mode for both Vcontrollerand CPM. To learn about High Availability Active/Standby mode, see theVclass User Guide and the CPM User Guide.Prerequisites for a High Availability SystemTo set up the High Availability feature, you need the following:• Two Firebox Vclass appliances. For HA Active/Active mode, theappliances must be the same model. Only V80 and V100 appliancesare supported for HA Active/Active.• The appliance you use as the Secondary or backup device must bereset to the factory default configuration.• Software upgrade licenses for the High Availability feature. Youobtain these licenses from the WatchGuard LiveSecurity web site,after you register your appliances.• Crossover cables to connect the appliance HA ports.Configuration Item Active/Standby Mode Active/Active ModeHost Name Same for primary and secondaryappliances.Different for primary andsecondary appliances.IP addresses Same for primary and secondaryappliances.Different for primary andsecondary appliances.MAC address Same for primary and secondaryappliances. Uses VRRP definedMAC addresses.Different for primary andsecondary appliances. Use thedevices’ factory MAC addresses.Sending/ReceivingPackets Only the Active appliance can sendand receive packets. Both Active appliances can sendand receive packets, potentiallydoubling system throughput.