Waves: Abbey Road RS56User Guide13SlidersClick or scroll the mouse-wheel on the slider itself or anywhere within the sliders track. The numericalvalue of the slider settings is displayed in a hover window above the slider path.Hover BoxHovering boxes will appear and display the control value when hovering with the mouse over thecontrol.Multiple Control SelectionOne of the most powerful features of the WaveSystem is the ability to select and adjust multiplecontrols simultaneously. Using the mouse, drag-select the desired group of buttons or graphic controlsby clicking and holding at a point outside the controls, and forming a rectangle that includes the controlsyou wish to adjust. Alternatively, press and hold Shift while clicking the mouse on any control you wishto link. This method is useful when you want to select two or more controls that are not adjacent to oneanother.TAB FunctionsTAB moves the ‘selected’ status to the next control, with shift-TAB moving in the reverse direction.Additionally, the Mac has an option-TAB function for ‘down’ movement and shift-option-TAB for ‘up’movement where applicable. If you have several Value Window Buttons selected, TAB functions willtake you through the selected controls only.Hitting Esc or Return will return the 'focus' to the DAW application.3.4 Waves Preferences (Pro Tools only)When launching Pro Tools, hold Shift to view the Waves plugin Preferences window. The followingoptions are available:• Don't use AudioSuite plugins• Don’t use RTAS plugins• Rescan all plugins• HUI control surface support (low resolution)• Enable single-click text entry