4DCBEA6 7/8AIR FLOWNOT TO EXCEED 20FURNACEOPENINGFURNACE AIR CLEANER DUCTWORKAIR FLOWTHIS CABINETCAN ACCEPTELECTRONICAIR CLEANEROPTION(SEE PAGE 7)AIR CLEANEROPENINGTRANSITION SECTION (IF NEEDED)Figure 3Figure 4LOCATING THE AIR FILTERYour air filter must be mounted in the return air duct of acentral forced-air system, on the air entering side of yourfurnace. (See Figure 3 for example.)Select a location that meets the following:1. The face of the filter will be at a right angle to the airstream.2. Allow 25ā of clearance in front of the air filter compart-ment door to permit removal of filters.See figure 4 for complete compartment dimen-sions.3. The air filter is not to be placed in the discharge ofeither the heating or cooling unit.4. IMPORTANT: If atomizing spray type humidifier isused, it must be installed downstream from the airfilter.If furnace opening cannot be enlarged to required size, atransition sheet metal section must be used. Transitionmust be planned for each job. Reduction should not bemore than 4 inches per linear foot, approximately 20angular degrees (Figure 3).PREINSTALLATIONModel No. A B C D EACB/ACM1000 20-1/4 12-5/8 13-9/16 16-7/16 19-1/16ACB/ACM1400 26-1/4 23-5/8 13-9/16 16-7/16 19-1/16ACB/ACM1600 20-1/4 12-5/8 17-3/4 20-5/8 23-3/8ACB/ACM2000 26-1/4 23-5/8 17-3/4 20-5/8 23-3/8