0508082120/101203/C Page 7 Owner’s manualTechnical Repair GuideTechnical Repair GuideWARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKThese servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnelonly. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform anyservicing other than that contained in the operating instructionsunless you are qualified to do so.This guide contains service checks to assist service personnelin locating and correcting any condition that might occur torender the air cleaner ineffective or inoperative. The air cleanerhas been designed with replaceable components, such as thehigh voltage power supply which allows the service person tosimply replace a component rather than attempt repair ofcomponents in the field.8 ADJUSTING TO SPECIFIC ROOMCONDITIONSProgram Setting 1: Service IndicatorThe Service Indicator is used to predict when the filter will needcleaning (electronic air cleaners) or replacement (media aircleaners).The Service Indicator automatically calculates the serviceinterval based on the pollution level selected and the fan speed.If the filter becomes clogged the led • and •••• will flash eachtime the air cleaner is turned on.Pollution level guidelines for establishing setting:• LOW DUTY: general pollution without tobacco smoke•• MEDIUM DUTY: moderate tobacco smoke concentrations••• HEAVY DUTY: high tobacco smoke concentrations•••• EXTREME DUTY: extremely high tobacco smokeconcentrationsTo select the pollution level:• Press PROGRAM; you are in the program mode 1 and STANDBYled will flash once every two seconds.• Default: OFF (all leds off).• Press V: led • (LOW) will light up, meaning you've set thepollution level to LOW DUTY.• Press V: led •• ( MEDIUM) will light up, meaning you have setthe pollution level to MEDIUM DUTY.• Press V: led ••• (HIGH) will light up, meaning you have setthe pollution level to HEAVY DUTY.• Press V: led •••• (TURBO ) will light up, meaning you have setthe pollution level to EXTREME DUTY.• If you want to go back to one of the previous pollutionlevels, press W.• Press PROGRAM to confirm setting 1 and to go to setting 2.Program Setting 2: Resetting the Service IndicatorThe indicator needs to be reset when the media filter is changedout. If led • and led •••• are flashing, it is time to change thefilter(s) and to reset the indicator.To Reset:• Press PROGRAM: you are in the program mode 2 and theSTANDBY led will flash twice every two seconds.• Default: OFF (all leds are off).• If the indicator is programmed (setting 1), you will see all theleds switched on in setting 2, provided the Service Indicatoris in use for a while.• Reset Service Indicator: press OFF (all leds are off).• Press PROGRAM: all user settings are saved and the aircleaner is back in normal control.Program Setting 3: Maximum fan speed for Air QualityAnalyzer ( AUTO mode)It is not possible to go directly to setting 3.If the panel button (>>) and then the PROGRAM key are pressedsimultaneously before confirming setting 2, you're in setting 3and STANDBY led will flash three times every two seconds.Adjusting the maximum fan speed for the Air Quality Analyzeris very convenient for meeting rooms and open plan offices.• Default: •••• (TURBO ).• Press W and so on to go to the desired maximum fan speed.• Press PROGRAM: confirm setting 3 and go to setting 4.Program Setting 4: Manual lockIn setting 4 STANDBY led will flash four times every two seconds.Blocking the panel button (>>), to ensure that non-authorisedpeople cannot control the air cleaner.• Default: unlock; no leds are burning.• Press W or V: lock; led • (LOW) is burning.• Press W or V: unlock; led • (LOW ) is off.• Press PROGRAM: confirm setting 4 and go to setting 5.Program Setting 5: Voltage output for maximumefficiency (Electronic Air Cleaners only)In setting 5 STANDBY led will flash five times every two seconds.This setting can be used to lower the efficiency (up to 10% atlow HV). This will increase the time between cleaning intervals.• Default: high HV level (7600 V); leds •, •• and ••• areburning.