Fire Deck 8645Installation and Operation ManualPG 21 OF 32M0039�08 APRIL 2017An ongoing program of product improvement mayrequire us to change specifications without notice.WOOD STONE CORPORATION1801 W. Bakerview Rd.Bellingham, WA 98226 USATOLL FREE 800.988.8103TEL 360.650.1111FAX 360.650.1166E-MAIL info@woodstone-corp.comwoodstone-corp.comFLAME HEIGHT CONTROLFor more information regarding Flame Height Con-trol, go to the Resource Center section of the WoodStone web site at:www.woodstone-corp.comFlame Height Index ScaleFlame Height Control KnobFLAME HEIGHT INDICATORComprised of two partsDETERMINING THE APPROPRIATE FLAME HEIGHTFor each specific configuration of oven there is a system that determines what the desired flame height will be� Each flame heightcorresponds to a saturated floor temperature� Several factors need to be accounted for in order to determine this relationship foreach oven�FLAME HEIGHT & COOKING ZONESHeat Up Flame: Set the Flame Height Control Knob(s) to “5” (highest setting) on the Flame Height Index Scale untildesired temperature is reached, then turn both flames down to the appropriate Holding flame�Holding Flame: Set the Flame Height Control Knob for a ~6–7" flame (approximately “3” on the Flame Height Index Scale) to“hold” a desired temperature of 450–480 °F�Cooking Flame: After introducing the pizza/product into the oven, visually raise the flame approximately 3 inches higher than theHolding Flame� This now becomes the hottest side of the oven, the Searing Zone� Pizzas will be landed on the opposite side ofthe oven from this Cooking Flame, the Landing Zone, and finished in the area between the Searing and Landing Zones—theFinishing Zone�Return to Holding Flame height after removing pizza/product from the oven.THE COOKING FLAME HAS TWO PURPOSES1. To help bake the top of the pizza/product as fast as the bottom of the pizza/product�2. To help replace heat to the floor (hearth) that is lost during production cooking�NOTE: The settings recommended on the Flame Height Index Scale for specific flame heights are based on ovens that have beeninstalled according to specifications� Individual results may vary slightly�Visually measure each suggested flame height using the Wood Stone utilitypeel, which is 8 inches tall when standing on edge in front of the flame.Note: Flame Height IndexScale may be positionedon left side of FlameHeight Control Knob onsome configurations.