26X4D1H – User ManualCHAPTER 2 - BACKUP & SEARCH2-1 BACKUP SETUPUsers can backup any segment of recorded data within a specified time frame, using a USBmemory device which must be connected to the DVR.The backup file that is produced by the DVR is an IRF file which is designed to be played backwith the software called ‘Ifileplay’ and ‘CMS’.Please Note: When using a USB flash drive to backup data, the DVR will automaticallycopy the ‘Ifileplay’ software onto the USB flash drive.Item DescriptionFrom The start time of the backup file.To The end time of the backup file.Device Select the USB or PC as the backup device.Free Space The available space on your backup device (not available for PC backup).Refresh Recalculate the available space of backup device (not available for PC backup).Required Space Displays the size of the backup file.Calculate Refreshes the calculation of the size of backup file.StartCommences the backup file function.Please ensure that the backup device has enough space beforecommencing the backup procedure.Please Note: Do not turn off the power to the DVR or remove the USB device whilstupgrading as it may cause an incomplete firmware upgrade and may damage the DVR.