PREPARING THE INSTALLATION CHECKLISTSCompleting Checklist 5: Setup Printer—PostScript Resolution, PrintEnhancement, Communications Priority, Panel SecurityPostScript Resolution The 4219/MRP and 4215/MRP can print PostScript at one of threeresolutions. The available resolutions are:• 800 x 400 dpi• 400 x 400 dpi• 300 x 600 dpiPrinting at a higher resolution will product sharper output but theprinter will print somewhat slower. Printing at 800 x 400resolution will usually take 20 to 30% longer that the sameoutput at 300 x 300 resolution.The PostScript Resolution setting has no effect on SCS, IPDS orPCL printing, which is always set to 300 x 300 dpi.Print enhancement Allows you to select smoothing (enhancement) of edges. Printenhancement will affect output in any printer emulation. Theavailable options are:• Dark• Medium (default)• Light• Off.Start-up page printing Allows you to enable or disable the printing of the Start-up pageat power up. This setting will not affect the printing of theTwinax or Coax configuration page. The Configuration pages willalways be printed at power up until disabled using FSL 120.Communications Priority When two or more interfaces are active, the Interface priorityfeature selects the method the printer uses when checking thecommunications interfaces for incoming jobs.SequentialIf enabled, no priority is assigned to any interface. Each printerinterface (Serial, Parallel, and Other I/O {Twinax or Coax} ispolled in turn).PriorityIf enabled, a particular active interface has priority over the otheractive interfaces when the system is checking for incoming jobs.When Priority is selected one interface is selected as the priorityinterface. This interface will get serviced first when two or moreinterfaces are active.Sequential Lock and Priority LockThese options are similar to Sequential and Priority except thatupon completion of a print job the printer waits for sevenseconds for an additional job to appear on the last active portbefore polling the other printer ports.Panel Security You can lock the printer control panel so changes to the printersettings are disallowed unless the printer is unlocked. Scrollingthrough the selections and printing reports and menu maps isstill available.XEROX 4219/MRP AND 4215/MRP INSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE 5-3