12 Chapter 1 Installing Plotter DriverMargin: Select Use program setting or Always off.Output Bin: Select Don’t care, Fanfold output, or Bin 1 through Bin 13.Manual output: Select Yes or No to use or not to use the function.7 Click [Image Correction] button to open the dialog box.A correction graph indicates how an output picture image is corrected. Bycorrecting the graph, you can increase contrast to the output image or adjustthe brightness of the output image.Saturation: Up-down control for Saturation adjustmentBrightness: Up-down control for Brightness adjustmentGamma: Up-down control for gamma adjustmentPreset value: Reset the corrected graph to defaultCheck Driver SetupThe current driver setup information can be displayed in the following procedures:1 Execute the PLOT command to open the “Print/Plot Configuration” dialog.2 Click the “Device and Default Selection...” button.3 Select the 6030/6050 printer.4 Click the “Show” button at “Device Requirements” in the opened dialog box.5 The “Show Device Requirements” message box opens. This message boxdisplays the current driver setup information.