Creating your files.Pulling it all together inAdobe ® InDesign®Now that you have created your rastermask for metallic, you are ready to putit together.1 Follow the set up instructions forInDesign ® on page 12.2 Place your color image on a layerbelow your metallic layer.3 Copy the image.4 Paste in Place on the metallic layer.5 Relink the file to your raster file“filename_Metallic.psd”.6 With your graphic still selected,go to Window > Effects and chooseMultiply. This will enhance themetallic color you are highlighting.Exporting as a high-res PDFfrom InDesign®It’s important to choose the correctsettings when saving a PDF for printingwith Metallic Dry Inks. Follow the stepsbelow to create a PDF preset for savinghigh-res PDFs right out of InDesign ®.1 From the main menu, select: File >Adobe PDF Presets > Press Quality,and click Save.2 Select General: Compatibility > andchoose Acrobat 6. On the lower-rightside, check: Create Acrobat Layers.3 Select Compression: Color Images >Do Not Downsample. Compression> JPEG, Image Quality > Maximum.Choose the same for GrayscaleImages. Monochrome Images >CCITT Group 4.4 Set up Marks and Bleeds if desired.18326