SELECTING A FEATURE 4-4 EDIT PAD USER GUIDE34567EditPad48 Touch Save on the copier/printer Touch Screen tosave the edit settings.NOTE: To continue defining Erase Outside usingdifferent shapes or other features, select a newEdit Number that is not used and repeat theselection process.To select features other than Erase Outside,follow the procedure for each feature.9 When you are finished editing the original, removeit from the Edit Pad and place it face down in thetop left corner of the Document Glass.10 If you wish to choose other features, touch Saveon the copier/printer Touch Screen. Select anyother desired features (Reduce/Enlarge, PaperTray, etc.) and enter the desired number ofcopies.If you enlarge the defined area, you can enlargethe area to fit on paper no bigger than 11 x 17inches (A3).11 Press the Start button to make copies.Erase Outside with Auto CenterErase Outside can be used with the Auto Centerfeature on the copier/printer Control Panel bytouching the Added Features tab. Next touch theMargin Shift option, then Side 1, and finally AutoCenter.When one Erase Outside area is selected, thespecified area is shifted to the center.NOTE: The entire document shifts when youselect other features, such as Highlight, on thesame area.When two or more Erase Outside areas areselected, the specified areas are deleted, but arenot shifted to the center.