PCIe Streaming Data Plane TRD www.xilinx.com 68UG920 (v2017.1) June 01, 2017Chapter 5: Targeted Reference Design Details and ModificationsReference Design ModificationsThe TRD includes a pre-built Ethernet application as an extension of the base design. Thefollowing section describes the setup procedure required to add the Ethernet application.IMPORTANT: The pre-built user extension design can be tested only on Linux and not on Windows.There is no support for the user extension design on the Windows platform.The Generator and Checker based application (base design) is explained in the previoussection. With the base design, functionality of PCIe-DMA with the AXI4-Stream interface isestablished. Consider adding a packet-based application, for example, 10-Gigabit Ethernet.Because this is a x8 Gen2 link, dual 10-Gigabit Ethernet can operate at full bandwidth.Consider what additional components would be needed to stitch the whole designtogether. Figure 5-29 highlights the blocks that need to be added to the base design fordeveloping the Ethernet design. It is an extension of the base design. Two instances of10-Gigabit Ethernet MAC and 10-Gigabit BASE-R PHY are added to convert this design to adual 10-Gigabit network interface card (NIC). The following section describes the setupprocedure required to test the 2x10G Ethernet design in both Application and Performancemodes.Send Feedback