81. FRONT SUSPENSION902306SH M3x6902306SH M3x6903308SFH M3x8903308SFH M3x8303123-OSHIM 3x6x2303123-OSHIM 3x6x23x6x2mm3x6x2mm3x6x2mm3x6x2mmSTANDARD TRACK-WIDTHWIDE TRACK-WIDTH(INITIAL SETTING)ALTERNATIVE 1ALTERNATIVE 2These shims adjust the roll-center of the front bottom arm as well as the front ride height. Thethickness of the shim depends on the tire diameter. For initial setting, use the 3x6x2mm shim.IMPORTANT!Use the same shim thickness under all 4 posts.These shims adjust the roll-center of the front bottom arm as well as the front ride height. Thethickness of the shim depends on the tire diameter. For initial setting, use the 3x6x2mm shim.IMPORTANT!Use the same shim thickness under all 4 posts.Standard track-width setting is used for standard F1front tires such HUDY, RIDE, HOT RACE.To make sure that you use the correct setting,measure the track-width with the tires; the track-width must be maximum 190mm.Wide track-width setting is used for the narrow F1front tires such as Volante.To make sure that you use the correct setting,measure the track-width with the tires; the track-width must be maximum 190mm.#371017CHASSIS - 2.0mm ALU FLEX - V3#371016CHASSIS - 2.0mm ALU - V3#371019CHASSIS - 2.5mm GRAPHITE - HARD2.5mm CHASSIS HARDFor low-traction conditions, as it improvesoverall traction.ALU CHASSISMakes the car easier to drive and more stablein high-traction conditions or with tires thatgenerate oversteering problems.#372087X1 GRAPHITE FRONT ARM BRACE 2.5mm3x8mmThe brace makes the car easier to drive. Recommended forhigh-traction conditions.2x2xDETAILDETAILINITIAL SETTING