326. SLIPPER CLUTCH ASSEMBLYSLIPPER CLUTCH ADJUSTMENTThe Slipper Clutch can be adjusted by loosening the set-screw and then, whilekeeping the tool inside of the set-screw, rotating the spur gear by hand asindicated in the drawing.To LOOSEN: Rotate the spur gear in the counterclockwise (CCW) direction.To TIGHTEN: Rotate the spur gear in the clockwise (CW) direction.➊➋➌Untighten set-screwAdjustTighten set-screw➋ ADJUSTTIGHTEN SLIPPER CLUTCH902308SH M3x8902306SH M3x6902308SH M3x8Allen 1.5mmLOOSEN SLIPPER CLUTCH3x6mm3x8mm