Connections 1-11Verify CommunicationsThe following is a quick reference guide for serial communications to the E7 drive. Make a copy of this page and check-off each item as it iscompleted. For detailed information please refer to the detailed sections that follow.1: RS232 communication1.1: Verify that the correct cable is used to connect the controller to the E7 drive.1.2: Verify that the controller is set for RS232 communications and that the communication’s cable is connected to thecorrect communications port.1.3: Record the controller communications’ parametersBaud Rate Parity Data Bits Stop Bits Protocol1.4: Record the E7 drive communications’ parameters (H5-02, H5-03, H5-07, H5-08)Baud Rate Parity Data Bits Stop Bits Protocol1.5: Verify that the communications’ parameters match.2: RS422/RS485 communications.2.1: Verify that the E7 drive is connected correctly.2.2: Verify that the controller is set for RS422/RS485 communications and that the communication’s cable is connected tothe correct communications’ port.2.3: Record the controller communications’ parametersBaud Rate Parity Data Bits Stop Bits Protocol2.4: Record the E7 drive communications’ parameters (H5-01, H5-02, H5-03, H5-07, H5-08)Baud Rate Parity Data Bits Stop Bits Protocol2.5: Verify that the communications’ parameters match.2.6: Verify that parameter H5-07 (RTS) is set to enable.2.7: Verify that parameter H5-01 (Node Address) is set to the correct, unique, hexadecimal value and that it matches thenode address required by the controller.Controller Node Address E7 Drive Node Address