IntroductionThe LS2100P is a premium quality integrated subwoofer andpower amplifier. Created as an easy-to-setupaddition to any P.A., the LS2100P will extendthe bass of a typical sound system with theleast amount of complication. The LS2100Phas been intended to operate primarilywith line level signals (with the option toaccept Speaker Level signals).ConfigurationThe LS2100P may be used in several differentconfigurations. The basic system is a singleLS2100P used for each full range enclosureor multiple LS2100Ps along with individual fullrange enclosures. The LS2100P accepts, andcombines, the signals from separate line level(e.g. Left and Right) sources. Using the MonoBlend XLR input combines the second line level signalproperly to drive the internal speakers and does notaffect the stereo separation of the full range enclosures. Whenused in a setup where only one signal is provided to a speaker, such as a mono system or stereowith more than one LS2100P, you can use any of the Link jacks.1. Input Level SwitchThe Input Level switch is provided to switchthe Input Level between line level andspeaker level. This switch should be set tospeaker level when the LS2100P is fed fromthe output of an amplifier or ‘powered’ mixer.Do not plug in two Speaker Level sources toone LS2100P. The line level position is for usewhen the LS2100P is fed a signal directly froma processor, electronic crossover or the outputof an ‘unpowered’ mixer. When using the linelevel mode, the use of balanced (Tip, Ring,Sleeve) and/or XLR cables will reduce theunit’s sensitivity to hum and buzz.2. LS2100P Level ControlThe LS2100P Level control adjusts theamount of bass added to the sound systemby the LS2100P. This adjusts for the relativesensitivity of the companion full rangespeakers and the desired system frequencyresponse. This control should be set bylistening while operating at a medium leveland then not changed. It is not possible toset this control properly at high levels sincethe limiter is determining the output level.A setting of 0 dB on the LS2100P Levelcontrol is the correct starting point whensetting up a sound system. From there,adjustments can be made for the best sound.The 0 dB mark refers to the setting that willgive full power when the line input is usedand the input signal is at a level of +4 dBV.3. Shape ControlThe Shape control enables tweaking of themost effective sub frequency, 50 Hz. You canboost or cut the equalization of the enclosure(50Hz) by a range of 6 dB (+ 3dB / -3dB).4. HF Rolloff Frequency ControlThe HF Rolloff Frequency control varies thefrequency at which the LS2100P rolls off thehigh frequencies. This provides part of acrossover function. This crossover functionalso combines with the natural low frequencyrolloff inherent of the full range enclosure(when the LS2100P is not used with an éliteprocessor). An elite processor may be usedto provide the LF rolloff of the full rangeloudspeaker. Ideally the LS2100P would thenbe wired ahead of this processor. In this casethe LS2100P HF rolloff should match the LFcrossover point of the elite processor. Theelite processor should be set in the modeintended for use with a subwoofer. Anelite processor may be used ahead of theLS2100P in which case the LS2100P HF rolloffshould be set to maximum.1