PAØPGA 158) Change C94 and C95 (all 10nf) in 1nf, for a lower load of T09 and T10.9) Remove R85 (4k7) for a better Q of T09.If step 8 and 9 is done, you have to re-align T09 and T10 for maximum signal.10) Change C89, C101, C111 and C117 (all 10nf) to 560pf, to lessen the load on T08,T10, T11 and T12.11) Remove R65 (12k) to raise the Q of T0512) Remove R124 (10k) to raise the Q of T13.It is possible to remove also R115 (10k), but the gain and noise of the 2nd IF will raise to high level, and can causeoscillations. So it is not recommended.You can change the IF filters for better ones, a recommendation ( I did not change any):CF01: CFW 455HT or CFG 455H, bandwidth 6khzCF02: CFJ 455k6 or, much more expensive: Icom FL44A, 2.3 khzCF03: CFS 455J, 3khzCF04: CFS 455H6, 6 khz13) Change C164 (470 uF) to 47 uF, for a higher pitched audio.Personally, i did not like the result, and changed this elco back to 150 uF.14) Solder a 330nf condenser parallel to C158 (100nf), for a better tone correction. Again, I did not like the result,and changed C158 to 270nf.This last part is a pure audio modification, and makes the audio somewhat higher, and gives a better SSB signal,but for SW broadcast, the audio quality is good as is and need no changes.This is the resurrected FRG-7700 in my shack