7The Keypad FunctionsKeyPrimary Function (Press Key) SecondaryFunction(Press F +Key)ThirdFunction(Press andHold for overone second)VFO Memory Recall InputtingMemory TagFunctionA c t i v a t e s t h e“Secondary” keyfunction ( ap-pears).A c t i v a t e s t h e“ S e c o n d a r y ” k e yf u n c t i o n (appears).Moves the cursorto the right.Deactivates the“Secondary” keyf u n c t i o n (appears).Enters the Setmode.#VFOS w i t c h e s t h eb a n d c o n t r o lb e t w e e n V H F(VFO-A) and FMRADIO Broadcast(VFO-B).M e m o r y O f f s e tTuning -P M S ( P r o g r a mMemory (Mode)Scan).Program ScanSettingMRR e c a l l s t h eM e m o r y m o d eand activates the"Memory Tune"mode.-Numbers“*”, “+”,“-”,“/”, “@”Press and hold thiskey to complete thememory channelregistrationD u a l R e c e i v e(DW) function M e m o r y w r i t emodeP1Recalls the storedP1(Programmablekey) setting. - Stores to the Homechannel Recalls the Homechannel.S t o r e s t h eP1(Programma-ble key) setting.P2 Recalls the storedP2(Programmablekey) setting. - S t o r e s t h e S p l i tMemory.R e v e r s e s t h etransmit and re-ceive frequenciesw h i l e w o r k i n gthrough a repeater.S t o r e s t h eP2(Programma-ble key) setting.1 Number “1” Recalls the storedmemory channel. Number “1” -R e c a l l s t h e“ W e a t h e r ”b r o a d c a s tchannel bank.2ABC Number “2” Recalls the storedmemory channel.N u m b e r “ 2 ” , o rcharacters “A”, “B”,“C”, “a”, “b”, or “c” - A c t i v a t e s t h eARTS feature.3DEF Number “3” Recalls the storedmemory channel.N u m b e r “ 3 ” , o rcharacters “D”, “E”,“F”, “d”, “e”, or “f” - -4GHI Number “4” Recalls the storedmemory channel.N u m b e r “ 4 ” , o rcharacters “G”, “H”,“I”, “g”, “h”, or “i” - -5JKL Number “5” Recalls the storedmemory channel.N u m b e r “ 5 ” , o rcharacters “J”, “K”,“L”, “j”, “k”, or “l” - -6MNO Number “6” Recalls the storedmemory channel.N u m b e r “ 6 ” , o rcharacters “M”, “N”,“O”, “m”, “n”, or “o” - K e y L o c kfeature7PQRS Number “7” Recalls the storedmemory channel.N u m b e r “ 7 ” , o rcharacters “P”, “Q”,“R”, “S”, “p”, “q”,“r”, or “s”- -8TUV Number “8” Recalls the storedmemory channel.N u m b e r “ 8 ” , o rcharacters “T”, “U”,“V”, “t”, “u”, or “v” - -9WXYZ Number “9” Recalls the storedmemory channel.N u m b e r “ 9 ” , o rc h a r a c t e r s “ W ” ,“X”, “Y”, “Z”, “w”,“x”, “y”, or “z”DTMF autodialersetting -0SET Number “0” Recalls the storedmemory channel. N u m b e r “ 0 ” o rspace - -