Prince William County ARESFT-8800 Quick Reference Guide v.1.4MemoryChannelMemory Name/Purpose Frequency Tone1 OVH2M/Operations and Logistics 146.970 - 100 Hz2 WWI2M/Operations and Logistics 147.240 +3 NVFM2M/Fairfax ARES 146.790 -4 NVREGN/Northern Virginia Regional Operations andCoordination146.910 -5 SKYWARN/National Weather Service—Sterling 147.300 +6 MDREGN/Maryland Regional Operation and Coordination 147.105 +7 MTVERN/Mount Vernon (Alexandria) 146.655 - 141.3 Hz8 ALEX2M/Alexandria ARES 147.315 +9 ARL2M/Arlington ARES 145.470 -10 FAQ2M/Fauquier ARES 147.470 + 167.9 Hz11 LOU2M/Loudon ARES 145.310 -12 DULLES/Dulles Airport 2m machine, max 15w out 147.330 + 203.5 Hz21 OVH440/Command and Control/Operations and Logistics 442.200 +22 WWI440/Command and Control/Operations and Logistics 444.900 +23 FALLSC/Fall Church ARES 442.425 - 91.5 Hz31 VHF1/PWCARES VHF Channel 1/Operations andLogistics147.52532 VHF2/PWCARES VHF Channel 2/Operations andLogistics146.47533 MEDCOM/InterHospital communications/MedComm back-up146.44534 ARC-CHP/Red Cross Chapter-to-Chapter communications 146.53535 ARC-FLD/Red Cross Field Operations 146.42036 XBAND1/Combine with 147.525—VHF1 (left) 445.950 (right) 100.0 Hz37 XBAND2/Combine with 146.475—VHF2 (left) 446.050 (right) 100.0 Hz38 XBAND3/Combine with 146.970—OVH2M (left) 445.975 (right) 100.0 Hz39 XBAND4/Combine with 147.240—WWI2M (left) 446.025 (right) 100.0 Hz40 Packet 145.73041 APRS 144.39024 NERA/Main Repeater, linked system 442.725 + 107.2 Hz25 NERA/DC 449.975 - 107.2 Hz26 KT4ER/Bull Run Mountain 448.325- 100.0 Hz27 NERA/Bull Run Mountain 447.775 67.0 HzPreprogrammed Memory Channels and FrequenciesFT-8800