Page 57FTDX9000D OPERATION MANUALKeyboard Frequency EntryYou may enter operating frequencies, foreither the Main (VFO-A) or Sub (VFO-B) bands, using the front panel band/fre-quency selection keys.Example 1:Enter 14.250.00 MHz into the Main (VFO-A) band:1. Press the [ENT] key to engage the direct frequencyentry process. Now, beginning with the “10 MHz” digitof the frequency (the leftmost digit), we will enter therequired digits of the frequency.2. Press, in order, the digits of the operating frequency,using the BAND keys (which have the frequency-entry digit or decimal point on the right side of theslash bar). In this example, enter[1.8/1][7/4][50/.][3.5/2][10/5][28/0][28/0][28/0][28/0]The decimal point after the “MHz” portion of the fre-quency must be entered, but no decimal point is re-quired after the “kHz” portion.3. Press the [ENT] key once more. A short “beep” willconfirm that the frequency entry was successful, andthe new operating frequency will appear on the Main(VFO-A) frequency display fields.Example 2:Enter 7.100.000 MHz into the Sub (VFO-B) band:1. Press the [V/B] key.2. Press the [ENT] key to engage the direct frequencyentry process. Now, beginning with the “10 MHz” digitof the frequency (the leftmost digit), we will enter therequired digits of the frequency to be entered into theSub (VFO-B) band register.3. Press, in order, the digits of the operating frequency,using the BAND keys (which have the frequency-entry digit or decimal point on the right side of theslash bar). In this example, enter[18/7][50/.][1.8/1][28/0][28/0][28/0][28/0][28/0]4. Press the [ENT] key once more. A short “beep” willconfirm that the frequency entry was successful, andthe new operating frequency will appear on the Main(VFO-A) frequency display fields.Advice In the above examples, you will notice that the trail-ing “zero” digits of the frequency were not entered. Itis not necessary to enter these trailing zeroes; just pressthe [ENT] to terminate frequency entry, and they willbe entered automatically. If you attempt to enter a frequency outside the operat-ing range of 30 kHz ~ 60 MHz, the microprocessorwill ignore the attempt, and you will be returned toyour previous operating frequency. If this happens,please try again, taking care not to repeat the error inthe frequency entry process. Using the CLAR/VFO-B knob (# ), you maychange the Main (VFO-A) band frequency in 1MHz steps. If you firstpress and hold in theBAND/MHz key fortwo seconds, the 1 MHzsteps will be applied to the Sub (VFO-B) band instead.The imbedded LED in the BAND/MHz key will glowRed in the latter case.When tuning in 1 MHz steps, clockwise rotation of theCLAR/VFO-B know will increase the frequency, whilecounter-clockwise rotation will cecrease the frequency. Using the UP/DOWN switches of the optionalMD-200A8X Base Station MicrophoneThe UP/DOWN switches on theoptional MD-200A8X Base StationMicrophone may also be used formanually scanning upward ordownward in frequency, respec-tively.The microphone's UP/DOWNswitches utilize the tuning steps ofthe Main tuning knob; moreover,when the microphone's [FAST]key is pressed, the tuning rate increases by a factor of ten,in a manner similar to the effect of the transceiver's front-panel [FAST] key.MORE F REQUENCY N AVIGATION T ECHNIQUESDOWN switcheUP switcheAdviceIn the Am and FM modes, you may independently set thetuning steps when using the UP/DOWN switches. To setnew tuning steps, use Menu items “TUNING 132 AM CHSTEP” and “TUNING 133 FM CH STEP.”MODE UP DWN FST+UP ST+DWNLSB, USB,+10Hz -10Hz +100Hz -100HzCW, RTTY,PKT(LSB)AM, FM, +5kHz -5kHz +50kHz -50kHzPKT(FM)CONVENIENT F EATURES