Important manual informationEMU31280To the ownerThank you for choosing a Yamaha outboardmotor. This Owner’s Manual contains infor-mation needed for proper operation, mainte-nance and care. A thorough understandingof these simple instructions will help you ob-tain maximum enjoyment from your newYamaha. If you have any question about theoperation or maintenance of your outboardmotor, please consult a Yamaha dealer.In this Owner’s Manual particularly importantinformation is distinguished in the followingways.The Safety Alert Symbol meansATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOURSAFETY IS INVOLVED!WARNINGEWM00780Failure to follow WARNING instructionscould result in severe injury or death tothe machine operator, a bystander, or aperson inspecting or repairing the out-board motor.CAUTION:ECM00700A CAUTION indicates special precautionsthat must be taken to avoid damage to theoutboard motor.NOTE:A NOTE provides key information to makeprocedures easier or clearer.Yamaha continually seeks advancements inproduct design and quality. Therefore, whilethis manual contains the most current prod-uct information available at the time of print-ing, there may be minor discrepanciesbetween your machine and this manual. Ifthere is any question concerning this manu-al, please consult your Yamaha dealer.NOTE:The 25MH, 25EH, 25ER and the standardaccessories are used as a base for the ex-planations and illustrations in this manual.Therefore some items may not apply to ev-ery model.EMU2511025OWNER’S MANUAL©2006 by Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA1st edition, March 2006All rights reserved.Any reprinting or unauthorized usewithout the written permission ofYamaha Motor Corporation, USAis expressly prohibited.Printed in JapanP/N LIT-18626-06-93