1-12EMinimum cold crank performance210 Amps at -17.8°C (0°F)Minimum reserve capacity40 minutes at 26.7°C (80°F)EMU01430BATTERY REQUIREMENTcCDo not use a battery that does not meetthe specified capacity. If a battery whichdiffers from the specification is used, theelectrical system may perform poorly orbe overloaded, causing electrical systemdamage.cC8 A battery cannot be connected to mod-els which do not have a rectifier or rec-tifier regulator.Models without a rectifier or rectifierregulator: 25NMH, 30DMHO, 25JMH8 If you wish to use a battery with theabove models, install an optional recti-fier regulator.Models with only a rectifierinstalled: 30DEHO8 Using a maintenance-free battery withthe above models can shorten the lifeof the battery significantly.8 Use caution when connecting acces-sories such as fish finders, as they maybe damaged by high voltage. Install anoptional rectifier regulator or use acces-sories rated to withstand 18 volts orhigher with the above models. Consultyour Yamaha dealer for details oninstalling an optional rectifier regulator.Choose a battery for electric start modelswhich meets the following specifications.