ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS– +ELEC8-2EELECTRICAL COMPONENTSANALYSISDIGITAL CIRCUIT TESTERNOTE:“ ” indicates a continuity of electric-ity which means a closed circuit at therespective switch position.MEASURING THE PEAK VOLTAGEWARNINGWhen checking the peak voltage, do nottouch any of the connections of the digitaltester lead wires.NOTE:• When checking the condition of theignition system, it is useful to know thepeak voltage.• Cranking speed is dependant on manyfactors (e.g., fouled or weak sparkplugs, a weak battery). If one of three isdefective, the peak voltage will belower than specification.• If the peak voltage measurement is notwithin specification, the engine will notoperate properly.PEAK VOLTAGE ADAPTERNOTE:The peak voltage adapter should be usedwith the digital circuit tester.Digital circuit tester90890-03174Peak voltage adapter90890-03172