Operation38the water, increasing the chance of ac-cident and personal injury.NOTICEECM00260Do not tilt the outboard motor up so thatthe cooling water inlet on the lower unit isabove the surface of the water when set-ting up for and cruising in shallow water.Otherwise severe damage from overheat-ing can result.EMU32780Procedure1. Place the gear shift lever in neutral.2. Push the shallow water lever down tothe release position.3. To set the outboard motor in a partiallytilted position, slightly tilt the outboardmotor up until the plate turns completely.4. To return the outboard motor to the nor-mal running position, place the gear shiftlever in neutral, then slightly tilt the out-board motor up. Set the tilt lock leverand shallow water lever to the lock posi-tion and slowly tilt the outboard motordown.EMU28194Cruising in other conditionsCruising in salt waterAfter operating in salt water, flush the coolingwater passages with fresh water to preventthem from becoming clogged. Also rinse theoutside of the outboard motor with fresh wa-ter and, if possible, rinse the power head un-der the cowling.Cruising in muddy, turbid, or acidic waterYamaha strongly recommends that you useZMU02868NZMU03790ZMU03763ZMU03792